11 April 2007

Public opinion of 3-D movies

3-D DV camera adapter

Consider this
when thinking about producing a 3-D feature, short, commerical or special: current public opinion of 3-D film is quite negative. On the public boards of the Internet Movie Database, the following opinions on stereoscopic film can be found:

"Since it is 3-D, then the plot is ussually like a dirt-land because the 'producers' have to spend time *perfecting* the 3-D anmimations. Take a look at 'Spy Kids 3-D': it sucked."


"In a normal film in general and a horror film in general much of the background is utilised. With a 3-D movie the opposite is put into force where much of the action takes place in the foreground."

Theo Robertson [2]

"The new Night of the Living Dead 3-D isn't suppossed to be that bad from what I've heard because they don't go over the top trying to contstantly throw stuff at the screen and stuff, but actually focus on the movie."

Stevenhigney [3]

These remarks touch briefly upon what could and should make a 3-D movie great and what currently makes 3-D movies not great at all. This is discussed in depth in 3-D Revolution Productions' 3-D Movie Theory section and it shouts out at stereoscopic movie producers, directors, writers, storyboarders and cameramen to approach 3-D in a serious, unique and complete way.

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